frank theriault wrote:

Hi Frank,

> Well, it has a "wall of somthing" look about it, eh?  <g>
> Funny, but the guy wasn't going very fast at all - I mean 
> look at the bike he's riding, pulling a trailer, and all 
> bundled up with winter clothes.  It was freaking cold that 
> day, IIRC, and he was just puttering along at about 5 or 10 
> mph.  It's just that I was actually hyperfocused at about 
> f16, and I think it unexpectedly got a bit dark (cloud over 
> the sun or some such).  The LX was set to Auto, and I'm 
> pretty sure the shutter speed was about 1/15th.  
> It was ~slow~, anyway.

There is so much you can read into this photo. Dream sequence of a cycle
tourist? Your mind tells you that it's a cycle with a trailer and can't be
at a racing speed but the composition allows your mind some slack for some
other interpretations to be put on it.
> I kind of wish the bike and/or rider would have been a bit 
> sharper, but the background and streetcar (some places call 
> them trams) tracks in the foreground made such nice "speed 
> lines", I kind of overlooked the fuzzy bike/rider.

Funny isn't it, but more sharpness to me would help lose some of it's
> It's really just a fun shot, and I like it in that context.  
> I think it has potential, but I've got to think some more of 
> what exactly I'm going to do with it.

I like the surrealism of it.



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