Gianfranco ...

These are both nice snaps, but they say nothing about the
man being a shoeshine.  They show a fellow on the street
with an interesting expression set off against a nice,
inoffensive background.  

Had you not titled this as "Shoeshine" or told us about what
this man does to earn his living, I think the image may have
been stronger.  As it is, I keep wanting to see more. I want
to see him at work; I want to see his hands; I want to see
him relaxing by his stand; what does his stand look like? 
IOW, you opened the door to this mans life but you've not
let us in.  For me, it's frustrating.


Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:
> Dag T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I like this one, the look and light on his face and the
> balance between
> > where he looks and the light parts of the background works for
> me.
> Thanks, Dag.
> Anyway, take a look at the other one (which I prefer - none of
> them is a great picture per se, but this one works better for
> me) and tell me what you think, please:
> > Reminds me of Naples, except that the real thing is more
> chaotic...
> How true, although chaotic sounds like an understatement...

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