The photo dealership I used to work for sold more Konica film than Kodak.  I
have used quite a bit of it myself for general shooting.  It seems to have a
very neutral tone, no color cast.  But that may just be the lab I used at
the time.  I would use it again, especially at a buck a roll.

David Madsen

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Sorenson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 5:51 PM
Subject: Kind of OT: Konica film - Sleeping Bear Dunes

Any comments on Konica film?  My local dealer bought up a bunch from a
close-out and is selling 36 exp., ISO 100 for $1.00 a roll.  For that price,
how bad can it be?

Years ago, when my kids were little, we camped a little south of the dunes
and canoed down a small river to the lake.  Where the river empties into the
lake a sand bar had been deposited so the flow of the river water ran
parallel to the lake shore for a ways so you could stand straddling the sand
bar with one foot freezing in Lake Michigan and the other quite comfortable
in the river water.  North of Sleeping Bear, toward Petosky, are acres of
cherry orchards.  The really sweet, eat 'em right off the tree kind of
cherries.  You can spend the day just driving from one farm stand to
another, spittin' cherry pits out the window.


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