Just in case you go for print film, try Agfa Ultra
100, very Velvia like but with the versatility of neg


--- Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Been thinking about experimenting with a saturated
> and
> contrasty transparency film like Velvia for rainy
> and
> overcast days.  I'm gonna try some Velvia today ...
> however,
> I seem to recall having heard that V. doesn't scan
> well.  Is
> that really the case, and, if so, what are the
> problems.
> Is there another film like Velvia to try ... was
> thinking
> about the Ektachrome E100 saturated version.  Any
> comments
> about that film?  Maybe too "blue" for such
> situations and
> in need of a warming filter?
> Shel

Albano Garcia
"El Pibe Asahi"

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