Cotty, I am yet to book flights but there is plenty of availability around
the dates that I want.  I am looking at flying in around the 27th May - tv
has some work around the 30th that I was going to tag along for and
generally just check things out for the week before GFM.  Was hoping to
squeeze a trip to NY in too.  I will be flying out on the Monday immediately
following GFM (7th June), and have to fly to LA first to get a connection to
Australia, so times will depend on that.

Love to share a cab on the way BACK to the Airport if that works out

Of course, this all depends on $$$ and if I manage to get there or not, just
got a HUGE phone bill (au$2k - no kidding! this includes my web hosting etc,
but it is still very scary to see it on paper like that!), so unless I win
the lotto in the next few weeks or can convince someone (ie a magazine or
publication etc) to "sponsor" me things aren't looking to great....


-----Original Message-----
From: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 26 February 2004 8:55 PM
To: pentax list
Subject: RE: Too Much PAW

On 25/2/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>Yeah, somehow, judging by the looks of Frank's bunny ears, I think I'll be
>pretty safe.  Unless that is, Cotty squashes me in the back of tv's car on
>the drive to GFM!

Stone the crows. I thought she was riding on the roof with a supply of
Wichity Grubs. Mind if we call you Sheila to avoid confusion?

Are you seriously staying at tv's?

What's you flight arrival day and time? If it's near enough mine, I'll
share the cost of a cab with you to Falls Church....


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