On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 08:00:17 +0100, you wrote:

>This part of the film has not been exposed or not developed. I suggest it is
>caused by:
>1) Missing emulsion on this part of the film (film makers error) or has been
>scratched off before exposing.
>2) You accidently sckratched the emulsion off, or grease was applied on to
>the film before prosessed, preveneting processing in stis spot.
>I'd vote for grease!
>All the best
>Jens Bladt

I've got it. It's drool. Greasy drool.

The film technician was sneaking a snack on the job, complaining
vehemently to a co-worker about the low pay and terrible work
conditions and why the heck did they make so-and-so the new assistant
manager, and got himself so worked up that some greasy burrito drool
dribbled down his chin and onto your film. 

He saw the greasy drool gob quivering on the film strip, so he shook
it and waved it around trying to sling drool off, but it only spread
further, so he mashed the whole mess into the developer before anyone
could see what he'd done.  Than explains the triangular shape - the
drool hit the film and spread out by centrifugal force and action of
surface tension of the liquid.

Any more mysteries to be solved, just give me a call.

Cactus Jack
Warm and Dry in the Valley of the Sun
No More Pay, Pal © 2004 John Mustarde
Don't Ebay, pal, No more Pay, pal, Hey Hey-ah, Good Bye.
Don't Ebay, pal, No more Pay, pal, Na, Na-aaa, Good Bye.

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