very cool looking insect, and nicely captured!


At 05:09 PM 2/27/2004 +1100, you wrote:
G'day fellow Pentaxians,
Here's a photo I took just then for my first PAW - it's a beetle with some pretty spectacular pectinate antennae (possibly a /Peisarthrius /species).
Taken with an old tamron 90mm (52B) and 2x TC, ISO 200, f/9.5, 1/125, inbuilt flash for fill. Constructive criticism?

I'm a soon-to-be uni student from Sydney, with an interest in insects, frogs and other animals and nature. Recently got the *ist D, have used the K1000 a tiny bit, but have mainly been a digital user, using the Kodak DC4800 for a few years. For my macro I'm currently using the above lens (saving up for the pentax FA* 200mm f/4 ED(IF) macro which by all accounts is an awesome lens, although I'm sure the earlier A* version would keep me happy (-:), or bellows and a 50mm f/2 for mucking round with flies' eyes. Also saving for a flash.

Hope to participate in PAW and maybe PUG (looking out for some insects to do portraits of (-:)

Thanks for reading,



Mark Cassino Photography

Kalamazoo, MI


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