Welcome to the 'hood Mark.
Those samples look just fine on this 'puter.<g>

I really like my 6x7 for the B&W and slide shots.And i think you'll like the Reala.I
searched for a few 
month in 2003 for a colour neg that i liked and this does it for me.My Feb PUG was

The 55 is next on my list.I have the 90 LS and the SMC200 F4 now.The 200 is very 
I bought a set of tubes too and cannot wait to try them out.
Dave Brooks

Mark said,and i snipped some out:-)                             
        > I love it when things come together...

> A couple of out-takes:
> http://www.markcassino.com/paw/6702.jpg
> http://www.markcassino.com/paw/6704.jpg

> While I was processing the Tri-X the UPS truck  stopped by and left a box 
> full of 120 film on my front porch.  Earlier in the week I was pleasantly 
> surprised to find that Reala is very reasonably priced, so I ordered 10 
> rolls, plus some T-Max 100 and just a couple of rolls of slide film.  Can't 
> wait to get going with this!
> - MCC
> -----
> Mark Cassino Photography
> Kalamazoo, MI
> http://www.markcassino.com
> -----


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