Hi All

It has been recently discussed about film reciprocity failure in my
photography class at college.  I have personally never considered this into
my calculations of exposure times and simply accepted the speeds suggested
by my Pentax (PZ-1 & PZ-1p) light meters and had good luck.  The safe zone
is only from about 1 second to 1/1000 second.  As you all know our cameras
exceed that greatly on both sides of the spectrum.  My question in a
nutshell is are the onboard computers in the Pentax cameras smart enough to
be calculating for this failure ahead of time and is there any information
in the DX coding that helps the computer make such a calculation?  I've done
exposures up to the 30 seconds suggested and supported by included shutter
speeds and nailed the exposure.  Some of the charts indicate I should be
using up to 2 minutes here depending on the film.


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