Here's my comments for April.  My personal approach to judging a shot are
(a) did you get what you wanted and
(b) does it communicate the desired thought or evoke the desired feeling.
Some of my comments are just to be a little silly, but I do respect each shot.

" Leaves " by  Herbet C. Brasileiro, Canada
        This is a great shot.  Good leaf positioning for contrast.
        Did you shoot it at f3.5 or f2.8?  Shallower DOF may add something more.
" Opening Rose " by  David A. Mann
" Bridge Deck " by  Steve Knobbe, USA
        A sort of photographic double-entendre with the contrast of color and texture.
" Fern Fractal " by  Jostein Øksne
        If you don't have this on your wall at home I'd be disappointed.
" Color soup " by  Luis Salado
        What I like even more than the photo is that you've employed the tools you
        needed to get the job done -- the filter.
" Leaf Dance " by  Dan Scott, USA
        It's a pleasing composition though it doesn't seem to say much.  Nothing 
is dancing.
        Perhaps a longer exposure to allow some motion would have done it for me.
" Early Warning System " by  David Chernicoff
        I haven't figured out what to think of this one yet.
        Maybe it's my personal aversion to cats?  (just kidding)
        Maybe "EAR-ly Warning System"?
" Crow walking " by  John Cohen, USA
        This is my favorite this month.  The contrast is distinct and keeps the
        segments of the image discernable.
" Flowing Rock " by Gary L. Murphy, U.S.A.
        I think you succeeded.  It's a good shot with the lighting results you wanted.
" Neopolitan in Grey " by  Bill D. Casselberry
        I like the content, but might again like the original better than the web 
" Reflections " by  Timo Hartikainen, Finland
        I like this.  Almost makes be dizzy.
" Harborside " by  Thomas Cakalic, USA
        Must have been an import beer because you could still hand-hold the camera.
" Cloud 1 " by  Gene Kane, USA
        It looks like a refelction in water.
        Sometimes photos just don't compare to reality.
" Abstraction " by  Bucky
        Looks like something from the 50s & 60s.  Nice shot.  Marketable.
" Natural firewood " by  Jan van Wijk, Netherlands
        An excellent job of capturing texture.
" New Generation " by Alin Flaider
        Good work.  Another craftsman.
" Classical Goya " by  Matt McCarter
        Being one who plays classical guitar as well I really like this shot.
        I really like garage sales as well.  Good purchase.
        B&W film might bring out even more of the texture of the wood.
" Bridge in Motion " by  Serge Kozak, Australia
        Good choice of filter.  Well done.
" Inside A Train " by  Erin Dayton, USA
        Good job.   You got the detail in a place where most of us may never go.
" Columns and Reflections " by  William Johnson
        A great contrast of construction eras as well.  Good composition.
" Dome of the Great Court " by  Mark Roberts, USA
        You definitely succeeded it capturing both pattern and texture.  Nice shot.
" Strawberry " by  Kevin Thornsberry, USA
        You not only captured pattern and texture, but you make me want a 
strawberry malt!
        Great shot.
" RenCen " by  Bill Sawyer, USA
        Good grab of verticals and horizontals.
" Additional benefits! " by  Niall Woods
        I'll bet the slide is even better than the scan.
" Leaf Lace " by  Robert Poe
        Good work.
" War Feathers " by  Dan Matyola,(USA)
        Good shot.
" Long Way From Home " by  Ed Dombek, USA
        Great shot.  Well done.
" The Pattern of Life " by  Jon Hope
        Nice shot & color contrast as well.
" Heir Bourn " by  David Brooks Ontario, Canada
        Is it difficult to get the horses to hold still like that? <G>  Good timing.
" Minaret " by  Bill Peifer
        Nice shot.  Good capture of a thought.
" Navaho " by  William Robb
        Great scenic.
" Sydney's Magic Mushroom " by  Paul Harvey, Australia
        The clouds make it.  Great shot.
" Burned Forest " by  Yves Caudano
        Another shot where the image doesn't compare to the reality.
        There's more texture there than film can capture.
" Painting Beauty " by  Jens Bladt, Denmark
        A great cultural shot.
" Heavy " by  Darek Zukowski, Poland
        Good cropping.
" Waitress, London, 1980 "by  Cotty
        I'm still pondering this one.
        But you got what you wanted.  Good job.
" Droplets 2 " by  Arnold Stark, Germany
        Great capture of texture.
" Plastilin Courtyard " by  Alexey Tikhonov
        An eerie sort of shot.  Fascinating.
" Ice Planet Spalding " by  Ollen Mullis, USA
        Good shot.
" Barracks Boards " by  Steve Lewis, Wales
        Often the description makes the photo more important, esp when preserving 
        Good job.
" Old log " by  Conrad Samuels
        You definitely got texture.  Good job.
" Tortoise " by  John Mustarde, USA
        Good shot.  How big is that beast?
" Autumn II " by  Mike Smith
        I think the contrast is good and makes it stand out nicely.  Good job.
" Rain " by  Take Ueda, Japan
        You got texture.  Just keep your camera out of that stuff!
" No Park " by  Juan Buhler, USA
        I especially like your framing.  Good job.
" Vanishing Vista " by  Paul M. Provencher, USA
        Is this a morning shot?  I enjoy farm-scapes.  Good work.
" Maiden Castle, Dorset " by  Joseph Tainter, USA
        Interesting in history and observation.  Nice shot.
" Ripples, Folds, and Rays " by  D. Glenn Arthur Jr., US
        Natural patters are always much more pleasant than man-made ones.  Nice shot.
" Maroondah Reservoir " by  Bill Gekas
        Nice capture of verticals with a bit of horizontal just for 
contrast.  Good framing.
" Rails " by  Cyril Marion, France
        Great shot.
" Casale " by  Flavio Minelli
        I'm still thinking on this one, too.
        It's definitely a good piece, even though unintentional.
" Textures " by  Doug Franklin
        I like the angles, personally.
        Might be different being there.  Good composition.
" Assembly in the Court " by  Gianfranco Irlanda
        Outstanding composition.
" One Way " by  Tom Van Veen
        The red filter was a good choice.  Good composition.
" Yum! " by  Steve Larson
        The shallow DOF makes the shot.  Good job.
" Ying Yang " by  Frank Theriault
        Good composition.
" Breaking Out " by  Chris Brogden, Canada
        Maybe enlarge it for your store-front window?  Nice job.
" Caramel " by  Bruce Dayton, USA
        Definitely eye-catching.  Nice shot.
" Tahquamenon Falls " by  Ken Waller, Michigan, USA
        Good job.
" Snow Shadow " by  Paul Stenquist, USA
        Interesting.  Good shot.
" Mud " by  Alistair Lax
        Kids in their natural habitat.  Good shot.
" Arbutus Menziesii " by  Rodger Whitlock
        Good shot.


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