Hi Chris ...

This version looks better in color than it did in B&W.  That
may be in part because the B&W version wasn't true B&W, but
a conversion from color.  That doesn't always work well
because the tonalities don't always convert well.  Plus, if
you did a simple greyscale conversion in some editing
software, the conversion usually ends up being a pretty pale
compromise.  Depending on the software, other methods
besides a simple conversion can be used with superior

Another problem for me was the tilted verticals and that
slash of green on the left side of the pic.  The green adds
nothing to the image, and, at worst, detracts from the
"sleeping man."  I cropped the pic and put it up here.  See
what you think.



Chris wrote:
> Sorry people,I omitted a digit.This should be allright'
> http://www.pbase.com/image/26549659
> Regards and apologies.
> Chris K

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