Eventually Pentax relented and added Zooms,
 >but for a long time only the M zoom was the 40-80mm and that was
 >introduced as by Pentax with an 'apology' on quality.

I'm not sure there were any
K zooms that were not simply updated screw-mounts.

Zoom chronology:

Mid 75. K bodies and lenses appear.

The 45-125, the 85-210/4.5 and the 135-600/6.7 were SMC Takumar zooms fitted with K mount. The 85-210 got auto aperture as a bonus.

Photokina 76 (end of 76).
First M bodies and lenses are presented.
35-70 and 28-50 prototypes

The first new K-mount zoom to appear was the huge (and rare) 85-210mm f3.5 in oct 1976. Dropped after less than a year.

Spring 78:
28-50 and 80-200 are available (non-M)
35-70 and 24-35 prototypes

Spring 79:
M35-70 is available (2 versions, one being fixed 2.8 AF)
M28-50 and M80-200 (same as non-M)

Later in 79: M40-80, M24-35 (78-11), M75-150

80-04: M24-50 prototype



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