I'm not familiar with the Super A, but have not had this problem with the Pz-1p or Pz-70, which I've used for birding. Neither have cery loud shutters though. I have had a problem with my Tokina ATX 400mm f5.6 in autofocus mode. It tends rip through the focal range and then make a sharp "crack" when it hits the end stop. But that's unique to that camera.

The quietest Pentax model I have experience with is the ME Super, which makes a subdued "snick" upon being fired.


At 11:13 PM 4/2/01 +0300, Matti Etelapera wrote:

I was photographing some birds the past weekend with my Super A and Tamron
80-200/2.8. Sitting three meters from my target, it took some 15 minutes
for the birds to begin ignoring me so that I could begin taking pictures.
One thing the birds didnīt get used to was the shutter sound of the Super
A. This scared them away for a couple of minutes every time I took a

How would you rate the noise of this camera against the LX for example?
Are there any really silent Pentaxes?

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Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
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