
Very fine shot. It looks like the second driver is searching for a
place on the pits where he can overtake (or maybe I was watching
too much Formula 1:)), looking at the pits near the left side of
Tracy's car. Seems that the difference in speed as they came out from
that curve was not sufficient. May I suggest adding just a little more
space on the right? This crop seems too tight.

Overall I like this shot very much, you have captured a great moment.


JF> Here's a shot I couldn't submit to the PUG, because it was
JF> taken with a loaner Nikon D100.  (This year I'll be back to
JF> using Pentax gear again).

JF>     <http://panix.com/~johnf/temp/BH720.jpg>

JF> It shows Paul Tracy (the eventual season champion) being
JF> followed out of the pits by Sebastien Bourdais (rookie of
JF> the year).  I'd hoped that this shot would be indicative
JF> of the season (Bourdais nipping at Tracy's heels), but
JF> unfortunately the close competition never materialised.

JF> Still, I like the shot anyway.  What do you think?

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