I have made an attempt at Lasse's photo. I use Photoshop 7.01

Lasse's original is at:

Mark Dalal's suggestion is here:

I had already started looking at Lasse's image when Mark posted his.
Mark used colour balance to adjust for the blue tint, which was what I tried
first too. I was not very pleased with my result (not as well tweaked as
Mark's), so I went for another method.

I realised that the different colour layers in the film had probably aged at
different speeds, so the blue tint was actually a lack of the other colours.
With this in mind, I looked at the separate R, G and B channels, and applied
Auto Level Adjustment to each. This landed me at a much better image, but
with a blue/magenta tint. This tint was easy to correct, using the same as
technique as Mark; to adjust Colour Balance. Here's the actual numbers:

Shadow: no adjustment
Mid-tones: Cyan-Red: +26,  Magenta-Green: +12, Yellow-blue: -23
Highlights:  Cyan-Red: +2,  Magenta-Green: +17, Yellow-Blue: -28

The result of this was an image with colours I liked, but looking very
gritty. The process so far took 5 minutes, just like Mark's. Then I loaded
the file into NeatImage, and did a noise reduction based on data from the
dark coat of the woman to the left in the picture.

Finally, I spent some time removing scratches. All together, I used about 15

Here's my result:

Comments are most welcome.


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