On Sun, 7 Mar 2004, William M Kane wrote:
     We've discussed this issue, and decided that the circle created by
 the DA lenses is optimized for the smaller sensor area of the *ist D.
 Therefore, the DA will not produce a full frame image on a normal 35mm

You can see this by mounting the DA onto the MZ-5. Through the viewfinder you'll see that there is severe vingetting up until about 20mm, and there is still some up until the mid to high 20mm range.

Beyond there it looks like it'll work (I haven't tried it), but it is
an awfully big lens to carry around for such a short functional zoom
range (roughly 28mm to 45mm).


Is what we see on the "vignetted" 20mm side larger than what we see at the 28mm focal lenght? If so, it is usefull at 20mm although some photo editing will be needed.


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