"William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>From: "Mark Cassino"
>>   I usually do a 1 minute pre-soak before developing. With 120 film
>> the pre-soak water comes out dark indigo blue.   I  peel the film off
>> the paper and cut the end with the adhesive on it - at first I thought 
>> I must of left some paper in there, but it doesn't look like it  What 
>> puts the blue in the water - and if I were to not rinse, would it cause 
>> any probelms?
>What you are seeing is sensitizing dye.
>There is no anti halation layer on 120 film, thats what the paper
>backing does.
>Once the film is exposed, the dye has done it's job.
>If you don't rinse it off, it comes off in the developer, but is
>absorbed by the chemistry.

I usually rinse a couple of times to get rid of most of the blue dye,
but it's more superstition than anything else ;) I've never noticed any
problems when I've forgotten to do it.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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