Hi Lon ...

I don't understand your comment about smackin' me with a
backhoe.  Is that anything like gittin' whupped upside the
haid with a 2x4 that's been soakin' in creosote for dang
near a month?  If so, thet sukka's sure gonna hurt some

Anyway, I'm glad you like the PAW and the WOW (which I had
nothing to do with, BTW)  I've taken to filtering the PAW
and the WOW to their own separate folders, the results of
which are like having three lists instead of one, and makes
reading the list a very easy and pleasurable past time.

Great to have your comments here ... the more support for
the PAW and the WOW the better balanced the list will be
overall.  And please don't get me wrong ... the technical
stuff is good and it's important, yet it's nice to have more
diversity on the PDML.


Lon Williamson wrote:
> I do like these new directions the group is taking.
> Whether you like Shel or not (and, BTW, welcome back,
> Shel), WOW and PAW are a wonderful change from the
> Technoweenie stuff that goes on in here.
> It amazes me that Pentax shooters can be Techno folks.
> I don't comment on a lot of these New Features because
> Some Folks (no names mentioned) submit three or four
> pictures a week for PAW (A picture a week).  Nonetheless,
> I find the change refreshing.  Shel is Hell on Wheels with
> Ideas.  If I were 60 or thereabouts, and I'm close, I'd
> smack him with a backhoe.  grin.

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