One word - stunning.

David Madsen

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Hodgson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 8:28 AM
Subject: PAW - HorseShoe Bend

Below is a link to a shot that I made yesterday (Saturday). This is called
"Horseshoe Bend" and is on the Colorado River just below the Glen Canyon Dam
in Arizona. This is a world class trout fishing river. The water is crystal
clear and cold as it exists the base of the dam. Many people have taken this
exact same image, but since it is only 4 hours from my home I thought I
would give it a shot. If you look closely you can see some boats and in the
full size version (not posted) you can see fishermen in the water.

I say "Made" this image because it is actually from 10 separate images from
my *istD with FA 28 lens. I shot in RAW and converted in Photoshop. I
stitched together with Panorama Maker 3.0  It was 2 rows 5 wide. Shots were
vertical and then rotated during conversion. The resulting image after
cropping is 4837x3900 pixels.

I also took this shot with my Sigma 14 which just got the entire scene. I
was not happy with it because the 14 that I have is one of the first ones
and is not very sharp and is low on contrast.

With all the discussion lately about full frame sensors and 14 MP sensors
and such, this shows what can be done with just 6 MP camera. I know not all
subjects can be captured with this technique, but it sure works with

The saturation was bumped up a little, but this is about what it looks like
in person.

Comments welcome.

Larry from Prescott

The Link:

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