Morgan said:
> I've owned a ZX-M for about three years now and suddenly decided that I 
> wanted to be able to do rear-curtain sync flash photography.  ...
> I learned of all the merits of the AF-500 FTZ flash unit.  So, I purchased 
> it online (used, at half the price).
> Imagine my surprise when I got my fancy flash unit home and suddenly learned 
> there is a difference between TTL metering and TTL flash metering...  This 
> flash unit is great.  Too bad I can only use it manually.
> So, I need a new body.  I can't really afford a new one, and I don't mind 
> using old equipment at all.  I'm just a bit confused about what to purchase.
> I shoot almost exclusively in manual mode.  I don't really see myself using 
> any fancy automatic programmed picture type settings.  I do need a good 
> meter reading in the viewfinder, quick shutter/aperture adjustment, the 
> ability to do exposure compensation, and of course--support for my new 
> flash.
> I've been thinking that perhaps I should purchase a used PZ-20.  Any 
> suggestions?

My suggestion, if you can find one in your affordability range, is a ZX-5n. 
There'll be practically no "learning curve" going to that camera from a ZX-M. 
In fact, you might consider replacing your -M with the -5n if you need to 
squeeze some extra bucks from somewhere. 


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