Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 16:56:15 -0600 (CST)

>Dirty little secret: HC:110 is a really good developer.

>William Robb

For traditional films?

I used to stock it in college because it would do film AND prints (neither
all that well). We used to use it at work for T-max 400 and with that
film it was VILE--poor shadow detail, poor contrast, general lack of life.
I think we were using it 1:3 for film, and developing time did not seem to
affect the quality of the results. Perhaps it was getting old on the
shelf, but we eventually switched over entirely to t-max RS developer and
replenisher despite the cost because the results with T-max films were so superior.

I MIGHT believe that with more traditional films it works better.  I'm
hoping to shoot some test rolls tonight and try Rodinal compared to
ID-11plus.  If Rodinal doesn't work for me, I'll keep looking.

Anybody used the Edwal FG7 stuff?  It appears to be a bit of a push
developer, which makes me nervous, but it also looks like it is designed
to more or less the specs I had in mind (cheap, keeps, works OK)


Don't blame the HC110 when the real culprit is TMY/TMX.
I really dislike those films.


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