Rob Brigham a écrit :

I think I am gonna wait before I go for this one.  Only novelty value at
the moment for me, so I will see other experiences before risking

Also a pain is that you apparently cannot save direct to the CF - all
images have to go down the USB 1.1 connection which realistically means
jpg only... If they had USB 2 this would be acceptable, but as things
stand they REALLY need to give a 'write to card' option which only sends
the preview to PC.

Yes, you can! In "Optionals settings" put:
"Your Removable Disk"\DCIM\100PENTX
You can create others folders, and read/write on the CF with any browser, during Remote Assistant works.
It's very slow, why data flow is (perhaps ?) with USB 1 only:
CCD --> PC --> CF


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