I am reposting this because someone told me it didn't show up on the list. 
Sorry if you get duplicates. ------------

Okay, here are my first three PAWS (I may go up to week 12 like ERN, or just 
week 5).

I haven't scanned for about two months and when I went to scan I found I had 
lost all my software settings. So everything scanned in blue and dark. I have 
made some adjustments, but still not quite there yet, so bear with.

Earlier this month shel and I met for the first time. We went to San 
Francisco to took photographs and attend later that evening a show by my former 
photography teacher (exhibiting along with two artists). I used shel as my front man 
as I tried my hand at "street photography." I figured I might lose some 
self-consciousness shooting with someone else. I did somewhat, but I still only 
shot a few people and only one turned out half way decent.

Later we were turned away at the door of the photography show, supposedly 
because I hadn't RSVPed. Although I had the invitation (addressed to me) with me, 
knew my teacher (of course), and we were both carrying camera bags. 
Evidentially last year a show in that building (ritzy office building with big gold 
door and security guard) was crashed by homeless looking for free food. We 
promised not to eat or drink, but...

obviously it was a bad decision to choose to wear jeans that night. ;-)

So shel and I retreated to comfortable and jean-friendly Berkeley for some 
great Thai food.

Week #1 is dedicated to shel because he suggested that shot (and knew of a 
great Thai restaurant).

Week #2 just struck my fancy.

Week #3 is dedicated to frank, because I was trying to be like him 
(unsuccessfully -- shot in color and later grayscaled).

I don't think any of them are fantastic or my best work or anything, but I 
still welcome any and all reactions/comments.


Marnie aka Doe ;-)

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