Tanya ... you MUST get this book if you haven't already ...
seriously.  I cannot begin to tell you how much I've learned
from it, and how much time it's saved me.  If it's a PITA to
get it shipped to Oz, then have someone you'll be meeting
when you're in the US get it for you.  It will be the best
$$$ you've spent for PS tips and tutorials.


Tanya Mayer 
> LOL! I thought you were serious there for a sec!
> That is what I spend alot of my time doing too Shel - mainly shiny grooms
> next to their perfectly made up, and not so shiny brides!
> Did a portrait sitting with a very pimply teen the other day though and
> spent HOURS upon HOURS removing acne!  Eew!  Good results in the end
> though...
> tan.

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