Tell you what David, save your trouble and fly to Japan this weekend. <g>

Alan Chan

From: David Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Australia and Pentax - frustration (whinge)
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 17:37:51 +1100

You may remember my problem with my *ist D, where the pop-up flash seemed to seize the camera's operations. After more of a fiddle I reckon that the problem probably indeed resides in the flash, or whatever mechanism charges and gives flash information to the main body. I never got the flash to fire but the shutter would release if I set the option of 'release shutter when flash is charging'.
So, took the camera in to Australia's distributors (C.R. Kennedy, pyrmont office), who took it off my hands (should be gone for around 3 weeks! Argh!). While I was there I asked if I could perhaps see some pentax gear. For some reason I thought the distributors might stock some equipment! Huh! (actually, they said they used to, but got cleaned out by burglars a couple of years ago)
Then visited a couple of largish camera shops in the city (Ted's and Fletchers), to see what they had. Camera deprivation had set in now and I was desperate! Yet again, I saw practically nothing - a few *ist Ds and film SLRS, one 18-35, the af360, but that's about all! The highlight was pretty much having a look at the sigma 12-24mm.
Soooo! That's about the end of my whinge... oh wait - one more thing - to top it all off the meter on my K1000 has seized up!
Okay I think that's about it. Perhaps something constructive can come out of this topic anyway - I was wondering whether any of the Aus PDMLers can recommend a way to see some pentax gear. I think Melbourne CRK is the base - do they have a range of pentax gear? Any shops around that stock some? Is the world's driest inhabited continent totally pentax-equipment free?

...won't go outside won't look around won't admire the light won't make the pain of cameralessness more...


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