Somebody, perhaps Marnie, was asking about a 300D which was experiencing
an "8-9" second shutter lag.  I hope this is a mistype!  I didn't 
originally think much of it because I wouldn't expect much of a camera
like the 300D.

Then it occured to me, if 8-9 seconds rather than .8-.9 seconds is
what was meant, that you could shoot the equivalent of TWO ENTIRE
ROLLS through an EOS1Dmk2 in that time.  Even at .9 seconds you could
get 6-7 frames off.  The shutter lag in pro DSLRs is down to substantially 
under 100ms according to the manufacturers.  If they could only make a 
little better pellicule mirror there would be nothing really stopping them 
from a 15fps DSLR, especially if somebody figures out how to get the 
shutter out of the loop too.

On the "all about the glass" topic, I know a number of action shooters 
who switched from Nikon to Canon primarily because of the extra frame 
rate.  One of my buddies tells me that he "always gets the ball in the 
picture" now at 8fps.  Canon glass isn't bad, but increasingly I think 
that it's all about the cameras.  Hopefully that'll help the *istD which
is a good camera for its price class.


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