----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jens Bladt"
Subject: RE: all about the glass

> In the days of no digital photogrphy, the lenses would set the
limits to
> resolution, sice film can resolve more than 100 lp/mm. Not many
lenses can.
> Today, as digital technology gain market shares, the sensors seem
to be
> setting the limits to resolution. The sensors cannot yet utilize
very high
> quality lenses. The sensor technology still have to develop further
in orfer
> to reach 100 lp/mm, or whatever is equals 35mm negatives (3600
> across the long side of the image = 3x3600 = 10.800 pixel). This
> mean, that in digital photography - it's all about the sensors, not
> glass!

This debate, of course, ignores all lens qualities other than
resolution, and has to ignore resolution vs. subject contrast to

Since you cannot ignore subject contrast when discussing film and
lens resolution, the numbers stated are deceiving.
Pray tell, what film can resolve more than 100 lp/mm?
I haven't found one yet that will do it without the help of a 1000:1
Velvia 50 does 80, I expect that's about as good as it gets, maybe
Tech Pan can do a bit better, but it's not well suited to colour
Lenses, OTOH, when used for pictorial purposes, don't usually get
much more than 60 lp/mm resolution.

One thing I have never seen answered definitively is this:

Do digital sensors also lose resolution as measured in lp/mm when
subject contrast drops?
And if so, by how much?

It seems to me that sensors wouldn't be as sensitive to subject
contrast, but I don't know for sure.

I believe Rob calculated the istD sensor resolution to be somewhere
around 43 lp/mm or some such.
If sensor resolution can be brought up to 60 lp/mm and made full
frame, then you are pretty much at a film equivalent for raw
resolution, and have a tremendous advantage over film WRT

This takes the lenses out of the equation, and ignores colour
No comparison is really perfect.

William Robb

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