På 28. mar. 2004 kl. 19.48 skrev Boris Liberman:

DT> which is the Norwegian word for a pleasant mix of rain and snow:
DT> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=2231042&size=lg

"Mokryj Sneg" - "Wet Snow" is the Russian term.

Sounds wet, even in Russian. Dry snow is nice, you can brush it off before entering a house, rain is OK, a good coat can handle it, but "sludd" is like rain with some glue on it. It sticks to the surface long enough to let the water penetrate almost anything... :-)

Everything is moving in this photograph. The snow, the rain (the
sludd?! <g>), the people, the photographer himself...

Thanks, that was what I was trying to tell...

This is high fidelity image, if you know what I mean. I almost want to
run for a rain coat...

I´m not sure if I know what you mean, but I consider it a compliment :-)

So, how you *istD came out of this experience?

It handled it OK, even though it got a bit wet. Thanks to its small size and low weight (with a 50mm 1.4 attached to it) I managed to hold an umbrella as well....


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