
I don't want to get into trouble again <vbg>, but really, this doesn't do much for me.

For starters, I think the image is too small, but even beyond that, it just really seems to need sharpening. Maybe this has to do with the fact that you didn't do much re-touching, but on my monitor, the whole thing seems pretty soft.

To me there are too many distractions in this photo. The that rope, the bright bush on the right, the rocks at the bottom: they don't add to the photo, but rather draw my attention away from the subjects.

I'm not sure what kind of mammals they are (ring tailed lemurs? - only guessing because of the tails) but they are too small in the frame, and I really had to look closely to pick them out, and then figure out what they were. The one on the top is difficult to find at all.

The mammal at the bottom seems to be in a rather interesting position, but it's so small that it's tough to tell what it's doing.

It's too bad you didn't have a longer lens, so you could have "zoomed in" on that bottom one; I think that would have been an interesting photo. The moment was right, but you just couldn't get in there to capture it with sufficient detail, I'm afraid.

As is, this one doesn't work for me.

Boris, I'm glad you posted yesterday saying that you don't mind when I criticise your photos. <vbg> You've produced some tremendous photos on this list - amazing portraits, and that one at the restaurant taken with the soft lens (I really liked that one!), but this one just isn't my cup of tea.

Sorry, but as always, I've got to be honest.


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PAW at last <g>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 21:18:13 +0200

Hello PDML <g>...

I am still in the process of making my PAW submissions to be good
looking <g> web pages. Meanwhile, I am posting it kind of raw...

So here goes:

Kodak TMAX 400 developed in Ilford. Not by me though. Almost no
retouching... Takumar Bayonet 125/2.8 probably at f/11 or f/16. My
trusty ME Super...

What do you say?



P.S. I guess I'd have to mention it explicitly - I want to hear all
the comments, not necessarily just the good ones.

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