Funny you should mention that Brian...  I shot a wedding yesterday with the
4gb Microdrive - it was the first time I've ever used it.  Well 495
exposures later, I had gone through all five sets of my 2200mAh recharchable
batteries!  I thought that something must've been wrong with my battery
charger as they I usually only go through 1-2 sets per wedding.  Admittedly
I don't usually shoot quite as many exposures, but it felt like I spent half
of the day changing bloody batteries!

4gb on one card was a DREAM to work with though!


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Dipert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 3 April 2004 10:38 AM
Subject: Battery drain

Tan et al, Be advised that the 4 GB Microdrive (or for that matter, ANY
Microdrive density) drains *istD batteries MUCH faster than a flash
memory-based CompactFlash card does. Bring a spare set of batteries (or a

One who knows first-hand,
Brian Dipert
Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Memory, Multimedia, PC Core Logic and
Peripherals, and Programmable Logic
EDN Magazine:
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Sacramento, CA   95817
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