Hi Shel, thanks for taking the time to comment!

Shel said:

"On my monitor the background looks a little different in
each shot.  Some frames have more detail, others less.  If
that' how the bg actually appears, imo, it distracts from
the montage."

Yep, that's how it is meant to look, it is kind of a progression with each
individual pose...

"IAC, I like the concept, but the execution leaves me feeling
rather ho-hum about the whole thing.  Not sure exactly why -
J's a cute kid and looks to be enjoying himself. Maybe it
loses something on the screen ... hmmm .... perhaps the
conversion to B&W leaves something to be desired.  IAC, it's
not 100% for me."

Fair enough! lol.  I purposely chose to block out some of the shadows in his
hair etc, as I wanted a high contrast, high key, result.  Actually, come to
think of it, I should have predicted that you would think that Shel, as we
have such different opinions about contrast! I guess it just reinforces
really what a subjective thing photography is.  Or maybe, I just really like
this cause of the mother side of me thinking how cute her little boy is.

BUT, Shel, this comment that you made;

"Here in the US what you've done could be considered child
pornography in some places."

...honestly, has left me sick to my stomach.  I cannot believe that anyone
could possibly derive that from this group of images.  I have intentionally
cropped them so that they do not reveal anything that they shouldn't, and
like you said, he is obviously having fun with these pics and hasn't been
co-erced or forced to do anything unsavoury at all.

As a result of this, I just tried to pull the image down but I can't connect
via ftp for some reason at the moment.  Anyways, as soon as I can, it will
come down cause I just feel sick to think that anyone would see my little
boy in such a way, and even worse that somebody should feel that I have
tried to portray  him in any way other than as his sweet, cheeky, innocent
6yo self.


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