"wendy beard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>After a totally nightmare-ish 2003, 2004 is finally starting to look up. 
>I got a job! A real one with regular pay and benefits!
>The icing on the cake would be a letter from immigration Canada confirming 
>my permanent residence status (now, that would be a miracle!)
>Anyway, something else which cheered me up further was finding out that I'd 
>won a prize (well, a first place ribbon, anyway) in the Bernese Mountain Dog 
>Club of America's Photo Contest at their recent specialty show in Texas
>The actual picture I submitted can be seen here

Very nice! I love Bernese Mountain Dogs! My SO and I almost considered
getting one (and she's a hard-core "cat person") but a veterinarian
friend advised against it because, as you have found out, they are very
prone to aggressive sarcomas :(

>The category in which we won makes it even more special as Boris was 
>diagnosed with lymphosarcoma in September last year.

Is/was he your dog? My condolences either way.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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