Aha! Very well done, William.
It has a bit of the professional flavor to it, because of the excellent lighting and the pose, and that alone categorizes it...but the slightly messed up hair scuffs the edge off that opinion, and lends just a little mischeviousness to it, doesn't it.

Thankfully, she's got a bit of a Mona Lisa smile...any more and it would change the whole flavor of the shot! Just a teeny bit of "corners up" as we used to say to the kids... <g>

It's almost sexy, in a cold, illustration way...
Then again, it's almost an amateur snapshot, but way too professionally lighted for that.
On the other hand, she looks like someone you'd like to know, not one of those ice-cold fashion models.

Ambiguity in person... <g>


William Robb wrote:

This is from Saturdays shoot.
I don't know if it is good or bad. There are things I kinda like
about it, and things I don't.


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William Robb

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