Tanya spent too much time in the Outback and fried her brain then wrote:

"I am chasing a TTL ringlight flash of some description that I can use with
my *istD.  Preferably something with a fairly high guide number.  I have a
fashion shoot in about 5 weeks that I will be needing one for.  There are
only two listed on the B&H website - one is a Phoenix, and the other a
Vivitar.  They are very CHEAP (usd$99 and $89 respectively), and I am a bit
weary about buying one that is so cheap.

I understand that there are Pentax ones out there and if anyone would like
to part with theirs, I would love to take it off your hands.  If you are
international, I would have to pay via Paypal though."

I'm not sure that any current market ringlights work with the *stD. The TTL
flashes that work by reading the light bouncing off the film are a problem
with many digital cameras. I don't know if that is the case with Pentax but
I do know that the only one that works properly with the Canon digital
cameras in TTL mode is the very high priced Canon unit. If I were you, I'd
investigate this issue thoroughly before I bought one for use with a digital

Most ringlight flashes are made for macro photography and are significantly
underpowered for any working distance greater than a few feet. Make sure
whatever you buy is packing enough power to do what you want it to do. You
may decide that a shoe mounted flash and diffuser will be a better method to
get a similar effect.

I will have both the Phoenix and AF080C units with me at GFM. You're welcome
to try them with the *stD and see if they work for you. I know that doesn't
help you with your fashion shoot.

Tom Reese

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