Ok, so many of you overseas, may not know this, but another Aussie
colloquialism is "happy little vegemite", due to a Vegemite ad campaign from
the 50's and 60's, with a jingle that went like this:

"We're happy little vegemites,
As bright as bright can be,
We all enjoy our vegemite,
For breakfast, lunch and tea.

Because we LOVE our vegemite,
We all adore our vegemite,
It puts the rose,
In every cheeeeeek..."

Sung by cute kids in black and white with selectively coloured bright red

Anyways, my 6yo is not a Happy Little Vegemite this morning...

This conversation just took place about 5 minutes ago:

Tan: "what do you want on your lunch today for school, matey?"
Jaimyn: "you mean on my sammich (sandwich, in Jaimyn speak)?"
Tan: "umm, yes, that would be on your sandwich...."
Jaimyn: "umm, duh, mum, vegemite, like every day!" (said whilst smacking
himself in the forehead with his hand in mock consternation!)
Tan: "sorry sweetie, you just ate the last of it on your toast, I'll have to
buy some more from the shop today"
Jaimyn: "well, like duh, how am i supposed to have a sammich then if there
is no vegemite?!!?"
Tan: "Jaimyn there ARE other things you could have on your sandwich, what
about ham and cheese or something?"
Jaimyn: "as IF mum, how could you let this happen...?!?! You'd better go to
the shop right now and by it, and make sure it is a BIG jar"
Tan: "umm, hold on a sec, just WHO is the mother around here again?"

Yes, he is 6 years old, and yes, he got sent to his room for being "cheeky",
but I guess this just goes to show you how much of a role Vegemite plays in
Australian households! lol.

Long live Vegemite, hail the king! lol...


> >From: "Simon King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: RE: Disgusting things that people eat
> >Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 15:17:40 +0800
> >
> >It's difficult to comment on this one as I like Tripe and Vegemite.
> >After that, what can you say?
> >
> >Anyhoo, I did a search and found this;
> >http://www.acc.umu.se/~widmark/java/chock/foodfaq.html
> >
> >I like 1.5. Tan, 2.3's for you.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Simon
> >
> >
> >
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