Thanks Brian, that's what I'll do!

P.S. I see you work for CSU? That's my old stomping ground (Albury)



Brian Walters said:
> G'day again Shaun
> Actually what I was getting at was not moving the external links to a
> separate
> page but including a window "target" in the HTML code so that the external
> link
> opens in a new, separate window rather than replacing your page.
> Most HTML editors should be able to do this but, in any case, you can edit
> the
> code manually.  For example, in the paragraph under "Wittenoom Gorge" on
> your
> home page there is a link to Mesothelioma Web.  The code for the link is:
> <a
> href="";><strong>mesothelioma.
> </strong></a>
> When someone clicks on this link the Mesothelioma Web site replaces your
> page and
> the visitor might not return.  However, the following code would open
> Mesothelioma Web in a new window and leave your page active.
> <a href="";
> target="window1"><strong>mesothelioma. </strong></a>
> Sorry if I'm telling you something you already know.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Brian Walters
> Australian Plants Societies
> On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 15:12 , 'Dr. Shaun Canning'
>>Thanks for the positive comments Brian. Much appreciated. I will indeed
>>move the links to a separate page. In fact, I might get rid of that stuff
>>altogether. Undecided as yet.
>>Thanks again...
>>Brian Walters said:
>>> Shaun
>>> Really impressive site - I looked mainly at the flower shots as that's
>>> my
>>> interest.
>>> I liked the clarity in the thumnbnails and the sharpness of the scans
>>> generally.
>>>  Were all of these taken with the *istD or have some of them been
>>> scanned
>>> from
>>> slides and then worked over in software?
>>> I've got quite a lot of wildflower shots on slides but I've found it
>>> difficult to
>>> get decent scans.  My transparency adaptor attached to the Epson 1650
>>> Photo
>>> scanner gives results which are acceptable for the web but not much
>>> else
>>> and I've
>>> found the quality of Kodak Photo CD scans ranges from excellent to
>>> abysmal
>>> with
>>> most being just OK.
>>> Back to your website - I agree with earlier comments about the size of
>>> the
>>> images
>>> and I still think they are a bit large.  Is there a reason why they
>>> need
>>> to be
>>> that large?   As a viewer of the site, I would prefer if they could fit
>>> on
>>> the
>>> screen without scrolling.
>>> The only other thing I can think of is the way you reference your
>>> external
>>> links.
>>>  At present, anyone who clicks on the "mesothelioma" link, for example,
>>> gets
>>> taken away from your site and may not return.  It might be worth
>>> "targeting" the
>>> external links to a separate window so that your site stays active.
>>> Cheers
>>> Brian
> ---- Msg sent via Spymac Mail -

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