Image appears a little soft (focus). The composition is a little static with the 
subject more or less in the center of the picture, try different shots with the center 
of the flower at different positions off center - divide the viewfinder into 9 equal 
size boxes and put the center of the flower at one of the intersections of the corners 
of the box - gives a more dynamic feel to the image. Not a rule but something to keep 
in mind

-----Original Message-----
From: Gaurav Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Apr 22, 2004 5:05 AM
Subject: my first PAW: petals

I am a beginner in photog. Been shooting for more than a couple of years
but have hardly got a good eye for composition and the techniques aren't
any better. Recently, I tried macro for the first time. Here is my first

All kinds of comments welcome, especially those that will help me improve
my compositions skills as well tell me more about how to handle a camera


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