I wrote:
> Gamma (also written as the infinity
> symbol, IIRC) .........

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!  Shame on me for not checking, and shame on
list-members who should have known and didn't spot my mistake.

Gamma is written as.... the Greek letter gamma, of course.  Sort of like a
handwritten "y" but with a loop in the tail.

I wonder how many other goofups I'll need to correct.

In reply, John Francis wrote:

> And what about those of us who spotted it, but didn't consider it
> worth correcting a minor error in a parenthetical aside?  It's not
> as if this was particularly germane to the central discussion.


Considering other factual errors I have made that have been corrected
promptly, I was surprised that nobody mentioned this one.  I did assume that
some of us would be familiar with the terms, but it never entered my head
that anyone recognising the error would let it pass uncommented.

I should be grateful that I got to make my own correction, but I'm sorry if
it seemed I thought nobody else ~knew~ the correct symbol for gamma.  A mix
of sleep deprivation and overmedication for an autumn flu, led to my
omission of the all forgiving smiley.  That's one more goofup to add to my

Anthony Farr

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