I should add that I like simple, old cameras as well. But I do love what digital has done for my workflow.
On Apr 25, 2004, at 10:53 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

I can't help you at all, but it amazes me what you digital
users have to put up with some times.  Aaack!! is right.

Almost every day here I'm reminded why I like simple, old
cameras ...


William M Kane wrote:


    I was out shooting this morning and on my last picture, the *ist D
told me that the "Battery Depleted", so I went in, grabbed some fresh
AA's and put them in both the grip and the body . . . it still
complained about low batteries, so I ran out to the local market and
picked up a pair of 2016 button batteries.  It's still telling me it
has low batteries.

    Anyone know if this is a glitch that can be fixed easily, or am I
going to have to send my *ist D in for service?


IL Bill

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