No we don't...

frank theriault wrote:

Wah, waaaaaah, wah!!

My Nikon's sooooo heavy!

My Canon's sooooooo heavy!

My arms are sore. My neck and shoulders hurt! Waaaaaaahhhhhh!!

We true Pentaxians feel so sorry for you turncoats... <vbg>


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

Subject: Re: A tale of two cameras
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 08:58:36 US/Eastern

Hi Wendy.
Thats a nice shot.

I know what you mean about weight.Man the D1/D2H with the 80-200f2.8 gets heavy fast.Its
well but heavy.Glad to hear the Pentax and prime worked well.I may do the same and get the
for personal use and for presentations at shows.Then i dont have to change lenses in windy
conditions or carry around two heavy cameras.

The Nikon is not that great in low light conditions either.Sounds like Canon has that
beat.Although my
buddy has the 1d and i have features he wants and visa versa.

I shot some of our riders in an indoor ring Sunday.ISO 1600 got me at best 400 th at f
2.8.Bad back
light and its obviously grainy,but for 2x3 thumbnails for the show book,look fine.Panning
helps to.I'm
never sure how to WB these things.Cloudy for indoor or tungsten.
Thank god for


> Saturday was the Tibetan Terrier Show. Didn't
get to take my group shot
> after all. The show ended and most people buggered off. Penny, the
> organiser, was most disappointed. She had been looking forward to having a
> pic with 39 Tibetan terriers and their people. I was rather relieved!
> Anyway, I was totally exhausted after standing around for 4 hours watching
> little hairy dogs trotting around a ring and lifting a 10D with 70-200/2.8
> (IS/USM) attached. The other camera I had with me was the *istD with a
> 77mm. What a beauty! That combo is absolutely fantastic and I love it to
> death! The best photos of the day were with that pairing. Wide open and at
> ISO 800 was pretty darn good! The only downside is that the low-light
> focusing on the istD is crap! The Canon is miles better in that respect.
> For handling and quality of photos, the Pentax won hands down. Who'd a
> thought it!
> OTOH, handholding at 1/45s with an IS lens didn't turn out too bad <g>
> Wendy
> Wendy Beard,
> Ottawa, Canada

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