Samsungs are very good, and Sonys too (I guess they
are better, but very expensive).


--- Amita Guha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Any 
> > recommendations for a high quality CRT monitor
> (Flat screen a must!) 
> > Thanking you in advance for past favors <LOL>
> Last December my husband got the Samsung SyncMaster
> 957MB, 19 inches,
> $300 from Amazon. It is very nearly a flat screen.
> He didn't go for true
> flat because he didn't want the two wires on the
> screen. Nate does a lot
> of PhotoShop work on the monitor and he loves it.
> Nice color and
> contrast.
> I like the Iiyama brand of monitors as well. I've
> been using one for
> almost 6 years. They're supposed to be as good as
> Sonys but they're
> quite expensive.
> Amita

Albano Garcia
"El Pibe Asahi"

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