> Wow!  That's great Amita.  After talking to you while you 
> were in DC I didn't think you were interested in the D.

It's just that it was a bit out of my price range, and I'm not usually
an early adopter. But Nate says he got a great deal (he bought it
without a lens) and he just really wanted me to have one since he was
having so much fun with his 300D. 
> Trust me, It will be an easy transition.  I went from manual 
> focus, mechanical cameras to the *ist D without much frustration.

Yeah, I've been using a ZX-50 for about a month now, so that's been a
good transition camera for it. I've just spent an hour with the istD and
I've already figured out most things I would want to do with it. It
makes a really nice combo with the Sigma 28-105 f2.8 I bought used a
couple of weeks ago. Tomorrow I'll take it out for its first real test

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