Unfortunately,they only get moved if someone buys them for a $1.00 than pays the moving
costs to the 
new location.
We lose a lot,but manage to save a few each year.
Thats my B&W project that is on going.Trying to shoot as much farm scene’s as possible
before they 
are gone.Happining all to fast here.:-(

There have been times were our planners have incorporated the house into the
subdivision.Now they 
look really cool.:-)

(Sorry to steal your thread Steve)


> At least the homes were moved! It's somehow sad to see a perfectly good
> house demolished.
> t
> On 5/13/04 8:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Nice shots Steve.
> > Were i live they have moved several 150-175 year old farm houses to make way
> > for
> > "progress" but i 
> > never managed any pic's.
> > Those look great.They tell the story STS.
> > 
> > Cropping the building on the right works for me.
> > 
> > Dave          
> > 
> >> Several things:
> >> 
> >> http://home.wlu.edu/~desjardi/
> >> 
> >> 
> >> The first two pictures are just for amusement.  W&L owns the old
> >> Lexington Train Station.  Since we now want to put an art/music building
> >> there, we have to move it about 150 meters.  This is an old (130 yrs)
> >> brick building so it's interesting to try and move it without
> >> significant cracking.
> >> 
> >> The second pic is one I took from a moving car.  I like the motion blur
> >> in foreground leaves against the sharper background.  Any suggestions
> >> for cropping?
> >> 
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 


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