Lasse Karlsson wrote:

Hi Henri, welcome to the list!

Yes, thank you, the weather has been (mostly) great for a couple of weeks and has 
really had a reviving effect on me. Been cleaning and (slightly) renovating my house, 
as well as some gardening (ripping out some weed) and doing some occasional shoot.
I am almost overwhelmed by having this much light till this late in the evening.

So, where in Finland (or Sweden?) do you live and I guess you are enjoying fine weather too?


Thanks Lasse!

I live right by the border of Sweden and Finland (on the Swedish side thought) in a small town called Haparanda. Tornio is the name of the town on the finnish side.
We have NOT had great weather, we got about a cm of SNOW yesterday! :-)

But hey, thats what you get when you live a couple hundred kilometers south of the arctic circle.


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