These conversions are silly lets measure lenses in meaningful units
so it's a 160,000,000 to 450,000,000 angstrom lens

or maybe calibers (for you gun enthusiasts)

0.6299213 to 1.7716535 caliber

or my personal favorites smoots

0.0094018 to 0.0264426 smoots.

Then for greater exposure accuracy insted of f stops lets use T stops.

So let me present the

SMC-Pentax DA 0.0094018 to 0.0264426 smoot T-4 AL ED zoom.


graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The lens is exactly what it is advertised as. A 16-45mm lens.

It's a 10-2D lens in hexadecimal ;-)

Mark Roberts

How about 16 - 45mm in...

Binary : 10000 - 101101
Ternary : 121 - 1200
Quintal : 31 - 140
Octal : 20 - 55



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