The only problem with the X19 was that once it's wheels broke loose you had now idea what direction you would be
facing when the spin stopped.

frank theriault wrote:

You can speak for yourself, Tom.

I don't need no fiat from on high to know I'm a fool. You can be the official fool, I'll be the unofficial one <vbg>.

I don't think they've imported Fiats to North America for a long time, anyway. I'm sure they work great in Europe, but they rusted like hell over here. The 124 Spyder was a nice car, though. And, despite it's many many faults, the X/1 9 (is that what it was called: the little mid-engine wedgie looking one?) was pretty damned cool.

Dear me, I think I've gone off topic from the off topic convo.  My bad...



"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT:  Max and his Out of Office AutoReply
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 16:37:35 -0400

No, Frank is not "out of his office", he is "out of his mind". Cotty on the other hand has neither an office, nor a mind to be out of. HAR!

Graywolf thinks he is not very bright, knowing as he does that both these guys are going to be in the same area he in less thatn a month, but as usual can not seem to keep his mouth shut. Maybe he can claim to be an "Official Fool", thus immune to physical retaliation...


Cotty wrote:

On 13/5/04, FRANK WHO IS NOT OUT OF OFFICE, discombobulated, offered:

It's happening again!


Tell me about it - I nearly broke my delete key I hit it so hard

Cheers, Cotty

___/\__ || (O) | People, Places, Pastiche ||=====| _____________________________

-- graywolf

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