Several replies in one:

On May 15, 2004, at 10:44 PM, Frantisek Vlcek wrote:

Here in the small web version, the fisherman is however
too hidden in the bushes' background. I would like more if he was in
front of the open area without bushes, but maybe that would be too
much formal. Dunno, it might look different in the normal poster sized
version. This picture cries for a bigger size.

I haven't had it printed to poster-size yet ;) I did notice the same thing but I tend to look toward the mountains more than the boat, so it didn't bother me a lot.

On May 16, 2004, at 11:54 AM, frank theriault wrote:

Too bad the water's brown. It would have been nice if it were blue or grey, but the colour it is now means that it doesn't really stand out from the hills. I know you can't change the water's colour; you have to live with it, but it's still too bad.

A polariser would have helped with that. But I don't use polarisers :)

Unfortunately, I don't think much about the man fishing. Had you not told me, I'd have no way of knowing what he's doing. Looks to me like he's rowing the boat.

Actually I think that at the time of exposure he was rowing, but in the raw scan I can see his fishing rod. Well spotted :)

On May 16, 2004, at 4:58 PM, Boris Liberman wrote:

Dave, it is excellent. I have one suggestion though or bit of
criticism if you like. Perhaps letting the man be a little to the
right, so that he does not blend with the bushes would definitely

I did take a second photo - the background is different but the boat is still in the middle. I'll go back and take another if you like...

Thanks for the comments, guys.


- Dave

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