Doug Franklin wrote:

That's just insane. That's 1000 times the size of the 40MB image Shel
mentioned. It's 300 times the size of the 130MB images I typically
work on. I'd love to know what the "lower limit" on scratch disk is. If I was working on several dozen images or layers at the same time, I
might understand, or doing long stretches of work that ended up as
dozens of undo/history copies. But I typically load the image, adjust
the ppi setting, crop a bit, adjust colors/curves, zap with a little
unsharp mask, and save. At worst, that's 520MB of images,
undo/history, etc. I'd think 1-2 GB ought to be plenty for the type of
work I do.


Youknow, you can always lower the amount of mem it uses.
In preferences you can set the maximum ram used by PS, also how many Cache levels and how many history states it saves.
Lower everything by a notch and PS won't use as much RAM. Or if you want more in RAM and less on disk, juice up the maximum ram setting and lower the rest.

/Henri Toivonen

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