Or just stick cash inside a greeting card. That doesn't work well if the guy is likely to claim he never got the money though.


Cotty wrote:

On 17/5/04, BORIS, discombobulated, offered:

I need to transfer a small sum of money, something like $30 to the person who does not have PayPal account. However, according to PayPal anyone with e-mail address can receive money. How is that done? Anyone has first hand experience with receiving money through PayPal without having account there? Does the fact that the person in question lives in Moscow makes issue more complicated?

The person receiving the money will have to register with Paypal and
lodge a credit card and/or a bank account. Don't forget the fees.

If I were you I would bung 30 bucks in an envelope and go for it.

If you're worried about theft, try this: I sent a few hundred dollars to
our dear South American PDMLer Albano using the following method. I
printed off a couple of pics and place them in an A4 sized reinforced
envelope. Within that envelope I also created a small space inside where
the cash was concealed, sort of like an envelop taped inside an envelope.
But it was done so in a way that if someone unsealed the main envelope,
the hidden envelope could not be seen. It was hidden behind stiffening,
ostensibly for the enclosed pics :-)

The main envelope was very thick anyway, and what with all the extra
padding and stiffening, any mail-thief would have opened it up, seen the
pics, nothing else, put it back, carried on.

The envelope needed to be carefully destroyed to retrieve the cash.

Counterfeiting, smuggling, espionage, you name it. Cotty's your man ;-)

Cheers, Cotty

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