Hi group,
I have two very nice K2s that show similar problems: when the metering switch (the shutter release pushed halfway down) is engaged, the meter needle slams down to the bottom of the scale-- and won't give a proper exposure. One of them the problem is intermittent. Sometimes it works fine, and when it doesn't, sometimes a "shake" or a light "tap" against the palm of my hand will get it working again. Sounds very much like an electrical problem, eh?

These guys are in near pristine condition, hardly worthy of the junk heap... But, I sent one of them to a place in San Antonio last year, and they weren't able to fix what appears to need a very good, experienced repairman who knows these cameras, (or at least electronic workings of cameras of this era -mid 1970s)

Maybe it needs parts that can't be obtained, but my feeling is that this is an electrical "short" of some kind that initially needs someone who can accurately diagnose the problem-- It could be something as simple as an unsoldered joint, a wire touching the frame that shouldn't be; and, of course, it could be a component that needs replacing that can't be gotten... Unless I rob the part from one of the chrome users that I have...

So, as I see it, it is too soon to declare these beautiful cameras "done for" until I know for sure what is wrong with them.

Can anyone please recommend their "wizard, crack, ace (insert proper adjective here) repairman?

Greetings from CajunLand USA South Louisiana
Sid Barras

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